Friday 1 February 2013

Sedo talking to clients at Chezi Trading Centre in Dowa
24 year old Oswel Sedo has a physical disability that causes him to use a wheel chair for mobility.  Sedo was trained in Information and Computer Technology at MACOHA-LVTC. After his training with Lilongwe Vocation Training College (LVTC), he ventured into the business of software installation and video production which has made him independent and self-reliant.

Before going into vocation training, Sedo faced challenges in acquiring basic needs as well as support for his family. Based at Chezi trading centre in Dowa, Sedo presently earns K8000 per week and even more during market days. He now has plans of opening an internet café when he finds adequate capital.

Sedo is one of persons with disabilities that MACOHA has worked with. Through its rehabilitation services and vocation training, Malawi Council for the handicapped aims at training persons with disabilities in various fields to become self-reliant.

With institution based training, MACOHA has worked with persons with disabilities by providing them with vocation training and start up kits to establish themselves after they graduate.

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